RGG Law, Client Confidentiality, and Modern Technology

AdminBankruptcy Law, Social Security Disability

Confidential Communication

Maintaining the confidences of one’s clients is part of the oath that every attorney takes when admitted to practice law. We, the disability and bankruptcy lawyers at RRG Law, consider this one of our highest ethical duties. However, unintentionally, many clients, of RGG Law or other law firms, end up compromising their own confidential communications with their attorneys. Once such … Read More

After Filing Bankruptcy: Creditors Who Violate Bankruptcy Stay

AdminBankruptcy Law

bankruptcy stay

When a person finishes filing bankruptcy, the Court ordinarily mails notices to all creditors ordering them to cease all debt collection activity. This Order, known as the Automatic Stay, applies to collection letters, telephone calls, scheduled foreclosures, repossessions, action on pending lawsuits, execution of judgments (including garnishments) and a wide variety of other creditor conduct. While it is possible for … Read More

A Disability Attorney Explains the SSA Definition of Disability

AdminSocial Security Disability

definition of disability

There are many definitions of disability in the law. These definitions exist for different purposes, are sometimes set forth under different statutes and regulations, and are assessed in the eyes of different agencies of the federal and state governments. As disability lawyers, we devote our time to understanding the nuances of these differences. While there are certainly similarities to other … Read More

RGG Law Disability Attorneys’ Support NOSSCR

AdminSocial Security Disability

Disability Attorney - On the Docket

While it may not be a household name, disability attorneys who are serious about representing disabled workers on Social Security Disability cases are familiar with a group known as the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representatives (NOSSCR). Based in Washington, D.C., NOSSCR lobbies Congress and the White House on issues related to disability law. The disability attorneys at RGG … Read More

Our Disability Attorneys Decode Commonly Used Acronyms

AdminSocial Security Disability

Disability Attorney's Know Law Lingo is Like Alphabet Soup

Anytime you deal with a government agency or program, with its various rules and regulations, you can expect an “alphabet soup” of special acronyms and abbreviations with special meaning. Experienced disability attorneys will obviously know what the acronyms mean, but an ordinary citizen may find the abbreviations bewildering. The RGG Law disability attorneys have compiled a limited but helpful list … Read More

Avoid Paying Insider Creditors Prior to Filing Bankruptcy

AdminBankruptcy Law

insider transactions bankruptcy

United States bankruptcy law identifies a category of persons known as “insiders.” Typically, an “insider” for bankruptcy purposes is a family member or a close personal friend to the person filing bankruptcy. In cases where a business is involved, an “insider” may also be a close business associate or partner. Persons potentially filing bankruptcy should avoid insider transactions which actually … Read More

Filing Bankruptcy with Tax Refunds

AdminBankruptcy Law

Tax refund attorney fees

One of the biggest challenges facing debtors filing bankruptcy is coming up with the money to pay their filing and attorney fees. After all, if a person’s financial challenges are great enough to consider filing bankruptcy, the household budget is already pretty tight or in serious deficit. Most savings have already been exhausted by potential bankruptcy clients before they even … Read More

RGG Law Discusses the SSA 2015 Budget

AdminSocial Security Disability

Disability Attorney - Social Security Administration Logo

In 1994, the Social Security Administration (SSA) had approximately 70,000 employees compared to its current staffing levels of 62,000. In the fiscal year 2014, SSA officials processed 2.86 million applications for disability benefits. This is fewer than anyone, RGG Law and the SSA included, expected and may be due to a strengthening economy. However, the number of people denied on an … Read More

A Disability Attorney Can Cross-Examine Vocational Experts

AdminSocial Security Disability

Disability Attorney - On the Docket

Approximately 3.6 million people live in the State of Missouri. Of these residents, approximately 194,000 receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration. Each year, thousands more contact a disability attorney and file for Social Security disability in Missouri. Unfortunately, if history is any indication of future approval rates, the SSA will deny almost 70 percent of the new claims. … Read More

New RGG Law Staff Will Help You Win Disability Benefits

AdminSocial Security Disability


We hear you. What we heard is that many people feel worry, concern, and fear when faced with the initial application for Social Security Disability benefits. Everyone knows that most who apply for benefits are initially denied. This only adds to the anxiety of making sure your application is done right from the very beginning. At RGG Law, we are … Read More