Share Regular Medical Testing with Your Disability Attorney

AdminSocial Security Disability

Medical testing

While it may seem obvious, objective diagnostic testing which verifies the diagnosis of a medical impairment is important to a well-documented disability case. Such testing can also shed light on the severity of a medical impairment as well. Repeated testing can, of course, show the progression or worsening of the medical problem over time. Tests can give you and your disability attorney a stronger case.

Sometimes medical records contain diagnoses that are arrived at through methods other than objective diagnostic testing. Some providers will diagnose based entirely upon reported symptoms from their patients, while others will simply trust a patient when they report that they have a history of a particular condition. Many doctors will diagnose empirically through a process of elimination, trying different medications or treatments until one is found to be effective. They then offer a reverse diagnosis based upon the effective medicine or treatment. While such approaches may be practical and even accurate, especially with experienced practitioners, such diagnoses are not persuasive and are poor evidence for your disability attorney to use in a disability case.

Social Security rules and regulations require the disability judge to identify objective medical evidence which supports each medical impairment they find to be severe. Without such evidence, the judge may find that the alleged impairment is not medically determinable.

Even if your doctor is certain that he has reached a correct diagnosis, it is important to insist on proper diagnostic testing whenever this is possible. Of course, financial considerations can sometimes be a factor which stands in the way of getting necessary testing.

Examples of important diagnostic testing you should share with your disability attorney include the following:

  • MRI, CT Scan or X-rays to document orthopedic or neurological problems with the spine or joints. Such scans are also useful to document the advance of arthritic or degenerative changes.
  • EMG or nerve conduction testing for any symptoms of neuropathy, radiculopathy, nerve damage or carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • MRI of the brain to document organic problems or signs regarding chronic headaches, suspected multiple sclerosis, dementia, head injury and other disorders.
  • Blood tests to confirm rheumatoid arthritis, immune disorders, hepatitis, thyroid disorders, Lymes disease, diabetes and many other medical conditions.
  • Pulmonary function testing to measure the impact of asthma, emphysema, recurrent bronchitis or other COPD.
  • EKG, ECG, electrocardiogram or stress tests to measure the impact of any cardiac condition.
  • Vision testing to measure eyesight, including central vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and other factors.
  • Hearing test to measure hearing loss.
  • IQ testing such as WAIS to measure intellectual functioning.

If you have had diagnostic testing in the past, it sometimes makes sense to seek updated testing. Old results, especially those before the date you allege your disability began, may not turn out to be relevant or helpful to your disability attorney when presenting your case. Certainly, if your condition is it a degenerative one, updated testing will show this worsening over time.

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The disability attorneys at RGG Law provide legal counsel that comes from years of experience. Contact us today if you need Social Security.