Filing Bankruptcy – A Glossary of Terms (Part 4)

RGG LawBankruptcy Law

More terms for filing bankruptcy

A Glossary of Terms for Filing Bankruptcy (Part 4) In another entry in our blog series on breaking down some of the terms related to filing bankruptcy, RGG Law selects more of the legal wording that can make it more stressful. Filing bankruptcy is a difficult process, and RGG Law’s legal team seeks to remove some of the mystery from … Read More

Becoming a Bankruptcy Lawyer

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Bankruptcy lawyer education

How Difficult Is It to Become a Bankruptcy Lawyer? Being a bankruptcy lawyer means working in a highly specialized field. As with any specialized career path, this means a lot of education, a lot of work, and a high price for the achievement. But how, exactly, do you become a bankruptcy lawyer? And how difficult is it? RGG Law offers … Read More

Bankruptcy Lawyers: Start Building Credit Early

RGG LawBankruptcy Law

Bankruptcy lawyers on building credit

Bankruptcy Lawyers On Building Credit Early RGG Law’s bankruptcy lawyers have discussed why having good credit is important in a previous blog entry. Though we all know that using and paying back credit is how a good score is achieved, how long does this take? And how early in life should we really be thinking about our credit score? If … Read More

RGG Law Explains Why Good Credit Matters

RGG LawBankruptcy Law

RGG Law on good credit

RGG Law Explains Why Good Credit Is So Important You have likely heard of having “good credit”, or a “good credit score”, but how much can having good credit actually affect your life? Being experts in filing bankruptcy and bankruptcy law, RGG Law’s bankruptcy lawyers and attorneys have a knack for knowing credit. RGG Law can offer some insight into … Read More

Filing Bankruptcy – A Glossary of Terms (Part 3)

RGG LawBankruptcy Law

More filing bankruptcy terms

A Glossary of Terms for Filing Bankruptcy (Part 3) As part of an ongoing, educational blog series, the RGG Law team presents another entry focusing on some of the more specific and enigmatic terms related to filing bankruptcy. If you are filing bankruptcy, or are about to, there a lot of words you might hear being used that sound like … Read More

Life After Filing Bankruptcy

RGG LawBankruptcy Law

Rebuilding after filing bankruptcy

Rebuilding Your Life After Filing Bankruptcy At RGG Law, we have years of experience helping people with filing bankruptcy. In all of this time, we have seen the varying reactions that people have to the idea of filing bankruptcy, as well as their fears about what they will, or will not, be able to do once the dust has of … Read More

RGG Law: The Importance of Medical Treatment in Your Social Security Disability Case

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RGG Law and the importance of medical treatment for SSD

Medical Treatment Advice from RGG Law At RGG Law, we have years of experience navigating the intricacies of Social Security disability law. As virtually all of our clients are living on a very restricted budget as they seek disability benefits, many wonder about the expense of medical treatments and if it’s really necessary for their Social Security disability case. In … Read More

Disability Attorney Advice: What Are Work Credits?

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A Disability Attorney Explains that Working More Gives You More Work Credits

Work Credits Explained by a Disability Attorney Some people think Social Security disability is a simple process, but the process often entails hiring a disability attorney, filing a Social Security disability appeal, proving eligibility to work, and earning enough work credits prior to applying. Work credits are a vital piece of Social Security, and you don’t need to be a … Read More

How Divorce Affects Filing Bankruptcy

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Filing Bankruptcy Can Save Money During Your Divorce

Does Divorce Affect You When Filing Bankruptcy? Filing divorce can stress out anyone. Preparing for a divorce in the midst of filing bankruptcy may seem like it would bring even more stress into your life, but this process can be extremely beneficial for both spouses, especially when filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to erase most, … Read More

Why Hire RGG Law?

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shaking hands choose RGG Law

Choosing RGG Law The choice of an attorney is an important one and should not be made without research to find the right team for your situation. There are many factors that play into choosing a law firm, and any firm worth its salt will work to answer your questions and ensure that you are getting the best representation for … Read More