Disability Lawyers Explain What Qualifies as a Disability
As disability lawyers with many years of experience helping people apply for social security disability benefits, we know what you are entitled to. But you might not. It can be hard to definitively determine what, exactly, qualifies as a disability, let alone whether that disability will then be considered serious enough to warrant disability benefits. At RGG Law, our disability lawyers have successfully gotten benefits granted for countless clients, so we want to use our knowledge to help keep you informed. Be aware that this information is always subject to change, and this blog is purely advisory. Keep in touch with our disability lawyers at RGG Law to stay up to date.
How Does It Affect Your Day to Day Life?
For anyone who has lived with a disability for many years, it can be difficult to assess the impact that disability has on their day to day life. If a condition has remained steady for a long time, you might take many of the adjustments you have made for granted, forgetting that certain things were easier before the onset of your problem.
If you are considering applying for disability benefits, start taking stock of how your life has been affected by whatever condition you may be living with. Are there certain areas at home or elsewhere that you can no longer access? What activities are you no longer able to do? Are you able to take care of yourself without help, and if not, do you have people who help you? This might seem like a simple step, but it can be easy to forget how many changes you have had to make.
Does It Affect Your Overall Quality of Life?
Going into more detail about your day to day life, there is an element of living with a disability that some will take more for granted than changes they have had to make – and that is how those changes have affected the quality of the life they live. Missing out on familiar activities, being able to get out and see people, and even being able to work all have an impact on your well being mentally, and you can easily find yourself falling into a low place.
As disability lawyers, we believe that this is one of the major components of living with a disability that is too often neglected – the stress that being unable to work can cause. Too many people feel that, even with a physical disability, they should be able to get on with their life, to provide for themselves or the family and to be productive. It is important to remember that, while it is possible to do it, there has to be a first step – and you may need help to make it.
Are You Able To Do Your Old Job?
If you ended up with a long term disability suddenly, due to an accident or the rapid onset of a condition, but have been able to go back to work, how do you feel in your role? This is another difficult truth that we have found many people struggling to face – the idea that they may no longer be able to do their old job. While this can be difficult for some, it is also an important factor in disability benefits, as if you are unable to do your previous job, you might at least be able to qualify for help.
What Are You Able To Do?
Being unable to do your previous job due to a disability does not have to mean a dead end. As disability lawyers, we have seen cases where a disability has led to someone simply finding a new path in life. Being unable to return to an old job due to illness or injury might be an opportunity to find something new, something which you might never have considered previously. This also does not necessarily disqualify you from benefits if you still need them – talk to a disability attorney about your options.
RGG Disability Lawyers and the Benefit of Experience
This blog entry is just some general advice to give you some focus if you are wondering whether you qualify for disability benefits. To talk to someone who can help you make a decision, and set you on the path to your future, contact RGG Law today.