Accept When You Need Help with Your Disability
In our RGG Law blog, we’ve addressed the importance of Social Security disability benefits and how much they can help. We’ve also looked at the stigma that other people attach to disability and Social Security, and the importance of respect. But, there’s another part of the Social Security application process that many disability lawyers and disability attorneys might not mention: the importance of being able to admit you need help in the first place.
A surprising number of people who live with a chronic illness and disability do so without ever receiving any help, whether it’s financial help from Social Security benefits, medical help, or even emotional and day-to-day support from friends and family. In this blog entry, RGG Law explores the importance of understanding when and why you need help.
Why Do Some People Not Get Help?
For those who don’t have a disability or chronic illness, it might be hard to understand why someone wouldn’t immediately get help should it happen. Unfortunately, there are a lot of reasons why people are hesitant to ask for help when they need it the most. As we’ve discussed in previous RGG Law blogs, some see a stigma related to disability and Social Security.
A side effect of this stigma is that many of those who need the support of Social Security benefits will avoid applying because of not wanting to be a “freeloader”. The idea of being a freeloader because you’re using Social Security benefits if, of course, not true. Not only is that precisely what the system is for, you also paid into it, and have to go through a rigorous approval process to be approved.
Help Doesn’t Make You Weak
Beyond the stigma of using public assistance, another issue that crops up frequently for many people is that asking for help is also a sign of weakness. The idea that you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps is common, but for some people it’s impossible.
This is especially true when it comes to “invisible” disabilities such as developmental problems or mental health issues. Having an obvious physical disability is one thing, but people are prone to doubt mental health problems that they can’t see outright. It isn’t much of a stretch to go from doubting yourself to just believing you’re weak when you hear so many people saying it.
At RGG Law, we understand that people aren’t seeking assistance because they’re weak. In fact, due to the stigma that still exists in our society when it comes to disability and the safety net designed to help, we know it takes incredible strength to seek out help.
Getting Help Means Getting Better
Even if you have been diagnosed with a lifelong disability – physical or mental – getting help is going to improve the quality of your life. Much of the reasoning people use to not get help is imaginary – fearing what other people might think or so, making up reasons to feel guilty. The truth is that the support that Social Security benefits give you allows you to repair yourself.
Even if your disability is life-changing, you’ll have time to refocus and set a new course for yourself. With the help of a law firm like RGG Law and your family and friends, you can discover new skills, a new vocation and a new direction you wouldn’t have considered before.
RGG Law and the Right Help for You
If you’re ready to reach out for help, our professional disability lawyers are ready to be the ones who provide it. With years of experience in winning Social Security disability appeals and applications, we can get you the financial support you need.