RGG Law News: Court Decision Impacts Social Security

AdminSocial Security Disability

supreme court decision

Social Security Administration issued a statement that it is working with the Department of Justice regarding the issues created by the recent Supreme Court decision recognizing same-sex marriages. RGG Law stays up to date on all things concerning Social Security. SSA is working to resolve issues regarding the date of recognition of marriages by state; how to consider children of the marriage when both parents are of the same gender; evaluation of foreign marriages; and how marriage should be considered in Supplemental Security Income cases where marriage may mean a loss of benefits if the two individuals are treated as a married couple.

The immediate impact of the Supreme Court’s decision is that some married persons may be eligible immediately for previously inaccessible Social Security and Medicare benefits according to Jon Gold, a disability attorney with RGG Law. Status as a married person is relevant for determining eligibility for benefits based on the following:

  1. Enhanced Social Security benefits based on your spouse’s or deceased spouse’s earnings
  2. Premium-free Medicare Part A benefits
  3. Social Security benefits (if the spouse has died)
  4. Medicaid coverage of nursing home expenses or expenses of other long-term services

Applications for Social Security disability, retirement, and Medicare are handled by the Social Security Administration. Applications for Medicaid are handled by state Medicaid offices.

Contact RGG Law for Help Filing for Disability

Disability attorneys at RGG Law can help you file for Social Security disability. With years of experience, RGG Law helps navigate the tricky laws surrounding the SSA.