rgg law has-unparalleled-courtroom-experience

Contact Us

At RGG Law, we care about our clients. Life isn’t always easy, and a life without the care and benefits you need is even more difficult. We do everything within our power to consult, empower, and ultimately improve the lives of our clients. Bankruptcy laws were set in place to protect people from massive debts and to provide them with a chance at a new life. Disability benefits serve the purpose to give all people, regardless of their capacity, the opportunity to live an autonomous life.

RGG Law firmly believes in the importance of the places Social Security and bankruptcy have in our culture. Our disability lawyers work with you to ensure that you get the help you need to keep food on the table, and our bankruptcy lawyers fight for your opportunity to start over. Don’t let debt or disabilities keep you down.

Bankruptcy Law

We provide free consultations with RGG Law’s excellent bankruptcy lawyers. You can rest assured that the best available bankruptcy law team in Springfield, Missouri, is behind you. The bankruptcy attorney behind your case will have at least 20 years of bankruptcy law experience. We have helped nearly 10,000 debtors find relief through filing bankruptcy. Both Sam Coring and Jon Gold have years and years of experience. Attorney Jon Gold has the added benefit of having sat on the Board of Directors for Old Missouri Bank and of serving as Chairman of the Social Security Committee in Springfield, MO.

Disability Law

Our experience in disability law continues to grow and grow. We recently welcomed the distinguished retired Social Security Disability Judge Martin F. Speigel to our team of highly-motivated disability attorneys. His experience on either side of the judge’s bench is unparalleled. He decided more than 5,000 disability cases during his time as a Social Security Disability Judge. He has an intimate understanding of the inner workings of the Social Security system, and he knows exactly what judges are looking for.

Along with Judge Martin F. Spiegel, the RGG Law team of disability lawyers has the experience to match any other law firms in the area. Now that RGG Law has teamed up with Parmele Law Firm, the experience and knowledge available to our clients exceeds any other law firm in the area.

Contact RGG Law

RGG Law has not only the experience but also the dedication to help you. If you need a free bankruptcy consultation or would like to talk to a disability attorney, please contact us above.

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Call Us:



Social Security Disability

SSD Toll-Free:


1505 E. Bradford Parkway Ste A
Springfield, MO 65804

Phone: (417) 864-4700